writer/director/video art



Reality Must Be Addressed

53 min I English with Subtitles
Johanna Seggelke (director and camera)
Vi R. Spengler (additional camera)
Marie Zrenner (editing)
Nelly Böhm (sounddesign)
Silvius Sonvilla (original score) 

A chance acquaintance turns into a relationship that shimmers in all the colours of love. Between Marmite toasts, joints, selfies and music two young girls who meet on a roadtrip through Southafrica explore each other inside out. But what happens when the journey ends? (64. DOK Leipzig)

Bibi Must Go

Hybrid documentary
30 min I German with engl. subtitles
with Jakob d´Aprile and Jeanette Spassova

Johanna Seggelke and Marie Zrenner (director)
Oliver Buchalik (camera)
Melanie Jilg (editing)
Andreas Goldbrunner (sounddesign)
Nils Wrasse (original score)
Lily von Wild (costume design)

The biography of the female elephant Bibi, who is considered to display abnormal behaviour, is marked by misfortunes. On the basis of an empathic reappraisal of these traumatic events the film reflects on the significance of social issues and how to deal with exclusion today: a therapy by proxy on film that will hopefully have a long-distance healing effect on Bibi. (63. DOK Leipzig)
DOK Leipzig German Competition 2020
FID Marseille 2021

Streaming via


Alex in the Fields (OT: Alex in den Feldern)

Fictional Short Film
30 min I German with engl. subtitles
with Marten Korte and Ivan Dubrovin 

Marie Zrenner (director, editor)
Nina Wesemann (camera)
Leo van Kann (original sound)
Johanna Seggelke (creative producer)
Anne, Die Fische (original score)

A strange young man appears out of nowhere on a farm. He is looking for connection and finds it in Adrian, who lives on the farm as an addict and wants to find his way back into life. The two outsiders become close and Adrian's temptability is put to the test in a painful way.

Video Art

The taste of life (OT: Der Geschmack des Lebens)

2 channel videoinstallation
30 min | German with engl. subtitles

Harun Farocki (original director)
Johannes Behringer (original sound)
Johanna Seggelke and Carlotta Wachotsch (remake)
Jan Godde (sounddesign)
With kind support from Harun Farocki Institut Berlin